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Welcome to Go-Lynx, a plug-and-play Go microservice framework designed with scalability and simplicity at its core.

The name Go-Lynx is inspired by the lynx, a feline species, symbolizing the framework's flexibility and agility.

Getting Started

To begin using Go-Lynx, check out our quick start guide. If you're already familiar with the basics, delve into our plugin documentation to learn how to harness the power of plugins in your application.


We are committed to providing a lightweight and flexible microservice development framework. We integrate various third-party plugins and tools for microservice governance, aiming to shorten the business development cycle and allow you to focus more on business delivery.

Why Choose Go-Lynx?

With Go-Lynx, you can enjoy:

  • Focus on Business: Let the underlying plugins handle all the enhancements and features, allowing you to concentrate on the most important thing - your business logic.
  • Plugin Extensibility: Use existing plugins or create your own to extend the functionality of your application.
  • Easy Integration: Plugins are designed to integrate with each other, enabling you to assemble powerful components tailored to your needs.
  • Plug-and-Play: Easily insert the plugins you need and start building your application. Simply import the corresponding module, and the plugin takes effect.

Thank you for using Go-Lynx. We're excited to see what microservice modules you'll create!

Underlying Dependencies

Go-Lynx primarily uses Kratos + Polaris as its core foundation for design and integration. However, as the version evolves, Go-Lynx may become more like a plugin glue, with the underlying components becoming plugin-based, like building blocks that can be combined to create any microservice module you need.


The Go-Lynx community is always here to help you. If you have any questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to contact us. Join our DingTalk group or WeChat group for discussions and communication.

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