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Bootstrap Configuration

In Go-Lynx, application configuration is managed through YAML files for plugin management. You can specify these files or directories at application startup using the -conf configs command (where configs is the directory containing the configuration files). Go-Lynx primarily provides a flexible and simple way to manage application settings through YAML configurations. By aligning configuration files with corresponding plugins, you can easily customize the application to meet specific needs. Both local bootstrap configuration files and full configuration files offer different levels of customization, allowing you to choose the method that best suits your application's requirements. Additionally, remember to import the packages required by the plugins to ensure they work as expected.

Local Bootstrap Configuration

If you are using components related to a configuration center, the local bootstrap file is quite simple, requiring only a few lines of configuration. It mainly includes the configuration information for the remote configuration center (using Polaris as an example):

name: svc-name
version: v1.0.0
namespace: svc-namespace
token: token
weight: 100
ttl: 5
timeout: 1s

Full Configuration

Go-Lynx's full configuration file shows all currently supported plugin configurations. Each configuration item corresponds to a plugin. If the configuration file matches the plugin, the framework will automatically load the plugin at startup:

name: svc-name
version: v1.0.0
file_name: tls-service.yaml
group: svc-group
timeout: 5s
tls: true
timeout: 5s
tls: true
ratio: 1
namespace: svc-namespace
token: token
weight: 100
ttl: 5
timeout: 5s
driver: mysql
source: root:123@tcp(
min_conn: 50
max_conn: 50
max_idle_time: 30s
password: 123456
db: 0
dial_timeout: 3s
read_timeout: 1s
write_timeout: 1s

Plugin Registration

It's important to note that to use a specific plugin, you must import the corresponding plugin's package into your project. If you import the package, simply edit the configuration information, and the plugin will automatically register with the plugin manager. If the package is not imported, the configuration file will have no effect.

Startup Loading

Go-Lynx will prioritize loading the local bootstrap configuration file at startup, with the file address specified by the -conf configs command at startup. After loading the local configuration, if it detects control plane-related plugins, it will automatically pull the remote configuration file after the control plane plugin is initialized. The default pulled file is application-name.yaml, where application-name is the application name specified at startup.

Service Governance

The control plane-related plugins implemented in Go-Lynx are based on the Tencent Polaris service governance framework. If you need to use features such as registration discovery, configuration management, and microservice rate limiting, you will need to deploy the Polaris service governance framework first.

Related Documentation: Tencent Polaris Official Documentation