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· 2 min read
Tan Zhuo

Go-Lynx is a revolutionary open-source microservices framework that offers a seamless plug-and-play experience for developers. Built on the solid foundations of Seata, Polaris, and Kratos, Go-Lynx's primary goal is to simplify the development process of microservices. It allows developers to focus on writing business logic rather than getting entangled in the complexity of microservices infrastructure.

Key Features

Go-Lynx comes with a comprehensive set of microservices capabilities, including:

  • Service Registration and Discovery: Simplifies the process of microservice registration and discovery.
  • Encrypted Internal Communication: Ensures the security of communication data within the microservices architecture, ensuring trust and data reliability between services.
  • Rate Limiting: Prevents microservice overload, ensuring robustness and high-quality user experience.
  • Routing: Intelligent routing to specify microservice versions, providing multi-version traffic routing, blue-green, and canary release capabilities.
  • Degradation: Provides graceful fault handling to ensure service availability and resilience.
  • Distributed Transactions: Simplifies transaction management across multiple services, promoting data consistency and reliability.

Plugin-Driven Modular Design

Go-Lynx proudly introduces a plugin-driven modular design, where microservices functionality modules are combined through plugins. This unique approach allows for high customization and adaptation to diverse business needs. Any third-party tool can be easily integrated as a plugin, providing developers with a flexible and expandable platform. Go-Lynx is committed to simplifying the microservices ecosystem, offering developers an efficient and user-friendly platform.

In future versions, Go-Lynx will develop and integrate more middleware, enhancing microservice scalability while incorporating more mainstream framework components.

Built With

Go-Lynx leverages the power of several open-source projects as its core components, including:

Quick Installation

If you want to use Go-Lynx microservices, simply execute the following command to install the Go-Lynx CLI tool, then run the new command to automatically initialize a runnable project (the new command supports multiple project names).

go install
lynx new demo1 demo2 demo3

Quick Start Code

To quickly launch your microservice, use the following code (some features may be inserted or removed based on your configuration file):

func main() {

Join us in using Go-Lynx, the plug-and-play Go microservices framework, to simplify microservices development. We look forward to your participation.

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